Dear Praying Friends,
I officially have 30 days left in the states before I fly to South Africa. It is crazy how fast the time has gone by. I have enjoyed my time at home spending my break with friends and family. God has blessed me with the support, prayers and encouragement from my friends and family! Thank you so much for your willingness to be apart of this ministry opportunity.
This "partnership" in ministry goes far deeper and is far greater than what I will do while being there, it will take all of us to be effective for Christ. Your prayers, financial support and encouragement plays a vital part in this ministry as a whole. So I thank you! That is what the body of Christ is meant to look like- many members with different functions.
I'm sad to leave but know that God will give me a peace to board that plane and sacrifice this time, and the people I will leave back home to further His Kingdom. I often have wondered what is was like for the disciples to leave everything (to drop their nets and follow Christ). They left their families, their jobs, their goals and replaced them with fulfilling God's plan entirely. I can't wait to experience a complete surrender to God. One where I won't have the comforts of home and the dependence on relationships here on earth. It will definitely stretch me for sure!
Thank you all for keeping up with my preparations with leaving! Just as you know I will be praying for you, please keep me in your prayers.
I love you all!
With one month to go I have...
-Plane tickets bought (and yes...I do have a return ticket ;)) This is my traveling route:Fort Wayne, Indiana->Atlanta, Georgia->Dakar, Senegal-> Johannesburg, South Africa->3 hour car ride in a buckey to Welkom, South Africa!
-Lodging booked- Thanks to Jenny's House (check out my pictures)
-Watched the movie Castaway- bad idea...definitely not something to watch when you are going to be in a plane for more than a day. Not exactly the experience I want!
- Health Insurance Purchased (No worries mom!)
- Visa application completed and sent ( Please pray I get my visa soon)
- 7 books purchased as part of my further study while doing ministry- I will be posting a list of the books that I will be reading- I encourage you to check them out! Good stuff!
- $5,000 raised in support- which is half of what I need. That is a huge blessing! Please pray for the rest to come in and any extra, so I can meet the physical needs of the children I will be working with.
-This shouldn't be too shocking for those of you who know me...but ...I have started packing. Laugh all you want. I like being prepared!