Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wow!!! I finally made it to sunny South Africa! I left Sunday February 1st at 6AM to fly to Atlanta where I had a 7 hour layover (not so much fun) but God had his reasons...

His reason: During my layover in Atlanta they were having an interfaith church service in one of their small chapels. Who knew airports had church on Sundays?! I didn't. I was a little hesitant not knowing what exactly was going to be preached. But I was blessed. The pastor brought to us many passages about finding God as our comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). God's timing never seizes to amaze me. I needed to hear that. Here I've left my family, friends, boyfriend...everything that was "normal" or comfortable to me and I board a plane headed for everything I'm not comfortable with.

How reaffirming of this calling that I have to serve for 6 1/2 months in South Africa. After my layover in Atlanta I had a 8 hour flight to Dakar, Senegal then a 9 hour flight to Johannesburg, South Africa. Once I arrived in SA Sandy (the missionary/mentor of mine) came by to collect me where we drove 3 hours to Welkom, South Africa.

I have arrived. I've been here 10 days. And believe me it has been a whirlwind of events. Our first line of duty was to check out the Restore site, which is the new ministry site for the Hani Park people. I am amazed to see how God has worked in preparing the way for the building to be restored and renovated. We have got the auditorium roofed/carpeted...and hopefully church will start at the beginning of March. (I will be putting up pictures/video of the building to give you a better idea of what we are working with)

I now know what it means for "the harvest to be plentiful and the workers are few". There is so much work here that needs to be done. There are 35,000 people in Hani Park (the squatter village) that are seeking hope and restoration. The tricky thing is not doing too much...in that we will spread ourselves too thin. Pray for God's guidance as we look for ways in meeting physical but most importantly the spiritual needs in Hani Park.

In addition to working on work projects on the restore site, I will be involved in developing a outreach program for girls age 11-13 in Hani Park. The girls are harder to reach out too...they are not as visible in the village. So pray that God will help me break cultural boundaries to be relevant to these girls. I will be helping out with an adult Bible study on Wednesdays, Teen ministry for Hani Park boys on Friday, Ladies Bible study on Saturday, and Sunday school teacher on Sundays.

I will go into more detail about each of these later as time goes on.

I've been busy setting up my life here...got the cell phone, tazer, pepper spray, Bed and Breakfast situated....next I will learn how to drive a stick shift...on the left hand side of the rode...on the opposite side of the car...in a city where there are no stop lights...only round a' bouts. God has a sense of humor!

I have learned so much in the few days I have been here, things I am still processing. I am shocked at the corruption and evil that is so prevalent here. I never realized how blessed I am to be an American. I want to share with you the truth and history of this country that is made it what it is today...but I don't want to just dump it all at once.

I am very new at this blogging thing...and want to share with you my experiences but also be able to challenge you to grow closer to our almighty God. Please if you all have any specific questions that you would like to know about what I am doing...please email me at :hopeforafrica22@gmail.com

I will update more tomorrow with more details. I love you all and miss you! Thank you again sooo much for all of your prayers and support! We are on this journey together!!!


Sarah said...

Glad to hear you made it safely to South Africa! funny that you mentioned pepper spray--I just got some for my trip to South Africa, too. I pray that we won't need it.

kater said...

I got driving down in SA so I know you can. Thanks for the update. you will be in my prayers

Trevor said...

Go Heather!!!

as always, I'm praying for you =p like everyone else is, cuz you're awesome