Monday, November 10, 2008

Countdown: 82 days!!

It is hard to believe that I will be leaving in a short few months to embark on this new journey. I have mixed feelings I'll be honest. This is a big step for me in my life. I have never been away from my friends and family for more than 3 weeks at a time, and let's face it 6 months is a half of a year! A lot happens in 6 months! At the same time, as it will be hard to say goodbye I am so excited for the growth I will experience during my time in Africa.

I am excited to see what it is really like for it to be just God and I. Often times we rely on the relationships we have on earth to get us through, and I won't have that face to face daily connection with my family and friends while I am there.

I'm scared! I'll be honest. I in no way am some super woman who has no fear. I am probably one of the most fearful people when it comes to change and the "unknown". God has a sense of humor! But this gives me an opportunity to really hand everything over to God. I am not going to a safe place, I am going alone, I am completely vulnerable. But isn't that how God yanks at our heart? Isn't that when we grow the most? I can't wait!

I can't wait to really experience living in a different culture. To really experience the God of the universe. I can't wait to see God work in the people I am around on a daily basis. I am so excited!
During the process preparing for this trip I have seen God's hand work in amazing ways. I can't tell you how blessed I am to have so much support from people; even people I just met! Amazing! God has blessed me with financial support in ways I wasn't expecting! Even the stressful process of applying for a visa, God still shows me who is in control. I can't do this without Him!

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